Evaporating Stamping Fluid HALES Evap-Lube
Hales Evap-Lube is a low viscosity evaporative stamping fluid. Its prompt evaporation characteristics
result in the manufacture of clean components which will accept welds, allow for adhesion of paint to
processed parts and leave virtually no residue to react with other processing chemicals.
Applications: Hales Evap-Lube is suitable for light duty blanking, stamping, shallow drawing and
forming and is non-corrosive and non-staining to aluminium, copper, steel and their alloys.
Suitable Materials: Aluminium, mild steel, brass, galvanised sheet, copper and painted stock.
• Low odour
• For ferrous & non-ferrous metals
• Transparent
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SKU | Type | Size | Pack Description | QTY |
HALESEVAPLUBE 20 | Evaporating Stamping Fluid | 20 Ltr | Pail |
HALESEVAPLUBE 200 | Evaporating Stamping Fluid | 200 Ltr | Drum |